Thursday, May 15, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

Encouraging the class to spend more time outside isn't the hard task. Children naturally love the outdoors and can find absolutely anything to play with or, quite simply nothing at all! let their imagination run wild and see what they will develop by themselves.

As an introduction to more solid 'green' time with my class, I introduced the theme of the scavenger hunt.

They got on board really quickly and we talked about all of the thing we might find at our local 'big park'. (We are fortunate to have acces to a few parks in which we can play. Two of these parks are green and filled with trees, one has a pond with turtles (we counted over 40 this day) and some flowers too.

The only unfortunate issue about taking children to a 'green' space within the city is that they know that something else is out there. "I want to play" was the chorus after a solid, but not long enough 15 minutes of scavenging. Still, step by step for everyone and this is the first of what I hope will be may outdoor, green and wild experiences!

See my EARTH DAY post to see our pot pourri!

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