Sunday, February 22, 2015

Italy - Leaning tower of...Pisa?

It's more like a wedding cake formation (!) but our Leaning Tower of Pisa soon changed to the Leaning Tower of PASTA!!

Italy ~ Modigliani

Modigliani style portraits make for a great class project. The older members of the class can accurately draw their own faces and colour them in using wax crayons. Younger members or those not so artisitc can colour in a print out of their own picture. Either way it makes for a great, colourful project that children can really put themselves into and add their own character too. Trust me, no portrait will ever be the same!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Italy ~ Venetian Masks!

My class simply loved Venice and all of the water, masks and bridges! We used our hands to make this simple craft and each member of the class could add their own personal touches. The handle is simply a pair of wooden chopsticks with coloured tape!

Spaghetti Art

Italy~ Mona Lisa Project